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Comment count is 20
Mike Tyson?! - 2009-06-02

Since when do alligators eat watermelons?!

kingofthenothing - 2009-06-02

Since people started throwing them at alligators. I'm sure he could have thrown his left shoe at him and it would have been chomped on.

SteamPoweredKleenex - 2009-06-02

Somehow, feeding watermelon to an alligator would seem to be the kind of thing that would just make it find you more appetizing.

Comrade Admiral - 2009-06-02


baleen - 2009-06-02

They actually really like melons. Who knew.

halon - 2009-06-03

They're basically just big mean iguanas, so this isn't surprising.

HankFinch - 2009-06-03

They're basically just smaller nicer Godzillas, so this isn't surprising.

Hooker - 2009-06-03

They're basically just lazy, cold-blooded deer that spend a significant portion of their lives in water and eat deer, so this is kind of surprising.

allcaps - 2009-06-03

They're basically just deer. I saw a deer crush a Hummer once.

Chinballs - 2009-06-06

This isn't surprising.

ProfessorChaos - 2009-06-03

A testament to the strength of those jaw muscles - that gator needed no real wind up to squish that melon like a bug.

Hooker - 2009-06-03

Alligators can clamp down with something like 2000 lbs per square inch. A watermellon isn't really much of a testament.

ProfessorChaos - 2009-06-03

True, but 2000 pounds per square inch is something that my non-engineer mind doesn't really fathom. This is an effective demonstration simply for how easy it is to imagine that my head isn't all that much tougher then a melon.

Hooker - 2009-06-03

And you call yourself a professor.

Mike Tyson?! - 2009-06-03

You can hold an alligator's mouth closed with one hand though.

Valkor - 2009-06-03

2000 lbs/square inch (psi) is equivalent to 4000 feet of water or 130 atmospheres.

Big Beef Burritos Supreme - 2009-06-03

More proof god hates us, as if we need it.

TeenerTot - 2009-06-03

throw me the melon throw me the melon throw me the melSQUISH

Caminante Nocturno - 2009-06-06

For all we know, lunging at you with their mouths open is how they act playful.

The same with actually eating you.

duck&cover - 2018-11-19


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