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Comment count is 8
Michael Houser - 2009-06-07

You can't watch this and not easily imagine David Carradine finding his demise by way of auto-erotic asphyxiation in Bangkok.

kamlem - 2009-06-08

I fail to see what tight leather, zippers, masks and exotic body prosthetics have to do with weird sexual fetishes...

Syd Midnight - 2009-06-07

To misquote Seanbaby: If I was driving the hearse at his funeral procession, I would have driven that fucker so fast. And if a cop pulled me over, I'd say, "Look, chief. See that corpse back there? David Carradine." And the cop would put away the ticket and say, "Death Race 2000. Nice. Haul ass, kid."

SharoKham - 2009-06-07

Man, I wish the soundtrack for this was available somewhere. Especially the disco violin thing.

FangoftheCobras - 2009-06-08

Rollerball, WestWorld and DR2000 are perfect Dystopia\false Utopia films. If you haven't seen all of these, please do so.

TeflonDoc - 2009-06-08

Good morning, Mr. President.

revdrew - 2009-06-08

The ending to this is perfect.

Lurchi - 2015-07-01

hey remember the remake? no?

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