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Comment count is 12
Ursa_minor - 2009-06-13

it makes me physically ill watching this man.

Hooker - 2009-06-13

Why did I watch all of that?

I like how he insists they should both calm down and take a deep breath during the commercials.

takewithfood - 2009-06-13

Sadly, I have no sympathy for people who agree to go on his show. They get exactly what's expected.

memedumpster - 2009-06-13

I would only go on his show if I could be in the same room with him. It would be my goal to actually get punched in the face. It might be hard to, but I'd do my best to laugh at him during the process, showing that no matter how much rage he musters, it doesn't overcome the comic tragedy of his life.

Daymage - 2009-06-13

But you really need to watch until the end. Okay, I'll spoil it, "Directly ahead, Gov. Palin on the air..."

MongoMcMichael - 2009-06-13

The preload images says everything.

Lurchi - 2009-06-13

In her Salon post-game analysis she uses the phrase "epic fail!" http://www.salon.com/opinion/walsh/politics/2009/06/12/oreilly_wal sh/

jangbones - 2009-06-14

O'Reilly's viewers think he completely destroyed her.

phalsebob - 2009-06-14

"... and now on Fair and Balanced news: THE FAR LEFT ON THE ATTACK!"

phalsebob - 2009-06-14

Also, 34% believe abortion should be available on demand (http://thecaucus.blogs.nytimes.com/2007/04/19/public-opinion-on-a bortion/).

So if Billo identifies the opinion of 1/3 the country as radically left, could it be that in fact his perceptions are radically right?

Nikon - 2009-06-14

I wish someone would perform a late-term abortion on Bill.

afp3683 - 2009-06-20

"that's almost 100% correct."

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