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Comment count is 32
Ageusiatic - 2009-06-17

My mom actually bought these. According to the directions, you boil the potatoes first, then run them under the water and peel. Obviously, once they've been boiled, you don't need the gloves, your bare hands would do it.

chumbucket - 2009-06-17

but it said here "pick up a RAW potato"! what gives?? could they be lying to us just to entice the precious 10 bucks out of our wallets?

Kojack13 - 2009-06-17

"You will never go broke underestimating the intelligence of the general public."

P.T. Barnum

fatatty - 2009-06-17

So all we need to peel potatoes is some sort of invention to boil water. Maybe some sort of gloves you can wear that let you rub a pot of water until it heats up.

baleen - 2009-06-17

But it says right there that if I buy these gloves and then and then there are golden fries so if i buy these gloves = golden fries.
what do you not understand.

Caminante Nocturno - 2009-06-17

You're not supposed to peel towards your body, you stupid idiot.

Big Beef Burritos Supreme - 2009-06-17

There's only one way to learn that. How are you still here?

mouser - 2009-06-17

I always stroke outward from my body.

SolRo - 2009-06-17

make sure to point it down twords the sink, or you'll get white stuff all over your shirt.

poopskin - 2009-06-17

is it weird that I think this is a good idea?

sonichronique - 2009-06-17

No, just stupid.

manfred - 2009-06-17

i don't know how to peel potatoes. i thus don't eat them. :(

cognitivedissonance - 2009-06-17

What the hell is there to learn?

Anyway, people who peel their potatoes are ruining their potatoes. Smashed potatoes are way better than mashed potatoes. Fries with skin are way better. My Irish genetics are appalled.

spikestoyiu - 2009-06-17

Yeah if anyone is known for their excellent cuisine it's the Irish.

Syd Midnight - 2009-06-18

You can probably trust the Irish when the subject is "boiled potatoes".

mashedtater - 2009-06-19

don't feel bad. i once played cooking mama to learn how to boil an egg

Mister Yuck - 2011-02-06

All you people need to go out and buy The Joy of Cooking right now. It tells you how to do everything, from simple to complex.

Yes, it tells you how to boil eggs. It will even tell you how to make coffee. But if you want to make real food, it will teach you that too.

zurvan - 2009-06-17



The part with the carrots and corn is kind of turning me on.

godot - 2009-06-17

It's a great idea, till its first used in a gruesome murder.

kingofthenothing - 2009-06-17

It would be a great idea to use in a gruesome murder.

Freeman Gordon - 2009-06-17


mantang0 - 2009-06-17

If the Handy Peels don't fit you must acquit.

pastorofmuppets - 2009-06-17

you'd have to boil the victim first.

i suggest you start with cold water and heat it up slowly so they don't notice.

ProfessorChaos - 2009-06-18

It's a great idea, until someone tries to spank the monkey with one of these things on.

Then it's a frivolous lawsuit.

mashedtater - 2009-06-19

five bucks the person who tries to masturbate with these gloves comes from a southern state.

fluffy - 2009-06-17

"Molded rubbing nubs" sounds vaguely dirty, somehow.

godot - 2009-06-17

We'll let you be the first to experiment with them.

I'm pretty sure those gloves would skin an erect penis or vulva within 30 seconds....

RocketBlender - 2009-06-17

I always love this kind of ad, where they show just how freaking hard it's been to get by without their product. My all time favorite is always going to be an ad I saw for a pasta stirring spoon with a built in timer and thermometer for the water where they showed a woman trying to 'test' her pasta by throwing a massive handful at the ceiling, then looking at the camera with a pathetic look before it all fell back down on her head.

Also: you don't peel the potato to make fries. Hell, you can even tell that by looking at them.

StanleyPain - 2009-06-17

Umm...who uses a KNIFE to fucking peel potatoes? I mean if you're good at it, by all means, but a little something called a PEELER has been around for, what, 50-60 years?

Knuckles - 2009-06-18

I see a bright future for the "obviously pre-peeled" tag.

DMKA - 2009-06-18

I don't know about this particular brand, but my roommate bought some of these about a year ago and we still use them. They work like a dream, on raw potatoes.

glendower - 2009-06-18

Someone from Handy Peel has infiltrated POETV.

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