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Comment count is 17
Jeriko-1 - 2009-06-21

The Bob Ross of child molesters.

kingofthenothing - 2009-06-21

or quite possibly the child molester of Bob Ross.

cognitivedissonance - 2009-06-21

It's like some sort of reverse Portrait of Dorian Grey.

Nithing - 2009-06-21

Great, now he has a way back into our world if an angry mob lynches him.

NovaPolice - 2009-06-21

The shadow does have the thick oily quality of something that exists in defiance of God's will. You can just picture it bulging like a lava bubble on edarem's wall at 2:14 AM, as something drags its mewling way into reality.

BHWW - 2009-06-21

Something that looks like Edarem, but as if made by someone sloppily and halfheartedly attempting to create a human being: eye sockets are set in the wrong places as are the ears, the limbs are all twisted and multi-jointed and some places "bones" stick out through the "skin" and some greenish substance drips out and it's mouth, it's mouth contains several rows of oddly shaped teeth all grinding against each other.

And now, it's free.

Space Ratcatcher - 2009-06-21

You guys need to lay off the Lovecraft for awhile. It'll make you racist.

imairlax - 2009-06-21

you know, i was getting ready to defend him as maybe just a bored old man and not that creepy...until he started singing

Syd Midnight - 2009-06-21

When lonely teenagers made stupid Youtube videos, it's really hit-or-miss. When lonely 80 year olds make stupid Youtube videos, it's awesome.

spikestoyiu - 2009-06-21

Only he's a convicted sex offender.

petep - 2009-06-21

he's paid his debt to society

Pillager - 2009-06-21

Don't wanna imagine the [Unedited version]...


RoyCastle - 2009-06-21

fuck all edarem haters! he's just an old man dealing with loneliness through youtube self expression! i for one appreciate his simple but provocative artistic display!

and I will sing that song! with my shadow!

oh man I give up that is creepy as fuck

bopeton - 2009-06-21

at 3:47 you can already see it trying to escape for a second.

petep - 2009-06-21

oh hey there fitz

Jet Bin Fever - 2009-06-21

Come on Mr. Sun! Come on out pleease!

Big Beef Burritos Supreme - 2009-06-21

Never trust a man who needs to manually cast his shadow and/or reflection.

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