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Desc:He liked mainframe computers. They were good at math...and they were big.
Category:Educational, Science & Technology
Tags:bees, It, Network, Seamus McManus, Cloud Computing
Submitted:Binro the Heretic
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Comment count is 6
Jet Bin Fever - 2009-06-28

fa-brillion - I'm pretty sure that's one less than the sum of everything else.

Toenails - 2009-06-29

I can not tell... is this narrated by a text-to-speech?

mashedtater - 2009-06-29

nah too much emotion

MrBuddy - 2009-06-29

For a computer nerd (knurd?) he was well dressed for each decade.

Camonk - 2009-06-29

At 1:17, a really good picture of many system administrators. Except that it needs more patchy facial hair.

pastorofmuppets - 2009-06-29

Light on details, heavy on buzz (wakka wakka).

Cloud computing isn't magic, *someone* still has to pay for the hardware necessary to run the task. And there's still plenty of advantages to doing things in-house rather than throwing your sensitive data at AWS. I can't imagine that IO-bound applications would benefit from being moved to more and more distant networks from the ones where the users reside.

(I don't look like the overalls guy btw)

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