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Comment count is 13
cognitivedissonance - 2009-06-25

I love this movie.

The music, however, seems to have been written by a tin-eared Martian.

hornung - 2009-06-25

fuck you nillsson is awesome.

Knuckles - 2009-06-25

is this canon

MongoMcMichael - 2009-06-25

A boring, hateful, terminally unfunny ditty from a Robin Williams snooze-fest featuring a short cameo by Jerry Horne from 'Twin Peaks' and what appears to be the guy off of whom the Undertaker modeled his 1990s look.

This deserves to be on here.

hornung - 2009-06-25

fuck you it's got shelley duval, bill irwin, ray walston and paul dooley.
it's great until the ending.

MongoMcMichael - 2009-06-25

Moar like 'Shining Woman', 'Who', 'Huh', and 'Whatever', amirite?

revdrew - 2009-06-25

Five for anyone ever thinking this movie was a good idea.

hornung - 2009-06-25

fuck you it is better than all the cartoons except for the fleischer brothers because it actually has roughhouse, ham gravy, castor oyle, geezil and bear the hermit.

kind of wish it had sea hag or alice the goon, but you can't win them all.

nothing faithfully based on ec segar work can be bad.

zatojones - 2009-06-25

see you at Popeyecon 2009 dude!

KnowFuture - 2009-06-25

I don't see why everybody had to hate on this movie.

The only real complaint I can even come up with is that the musical numbers lend absolutely nothing to it.

poopskin - 2009-06-25

Polanski's finest

poopskin - 2009-06-25

oops.. i mean Altman. fuck

That guy - 2014-12-21

That's a weird mistake.

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