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Comment count is 7
memedumpster - 2009-06-26

Imagine a trailer that rips off Underworld and the Matrix, where everyone is under a blue filter. Imagine a plot so overdone as to be offensive. Imagine another great big failure for the human need to make media. Imagine Willem Defoe finally tanking his career.

Level with me, this was a comic book first, right? It had to be.

spikestoyiu - 2009-06-26

Sadly, "Underworld meets the Matrix" is probably the pitch that sold this movie and made some asshole(s) millions of dollars.

Also, this appears to be the bluest movie ever.

Jet Bin Fever - 2009-06-26

I HATE that DAMN Placebo "Running up that Hill" cover! SACRILEGE toward an amazing song.
And this movie looks like a pile of shit.

memedumpster - 2009-06-26

Wow, you're right, the original is way better. Jihad against cover songs! Gary Jules and James Hetfield will be the first against the wall.

revdrew - 2009-06-26

Am I wrong for thinking this movie doesn't look THAT bad?

I'm going to assume "yes".

memedumpster - 2009-06-26

Actually, it could be awesome. I'm just a cynical fuck when it comes to Hollywood.

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2009-06-26

I want to believe.

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