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Comment count is 34
j lzrd / swift idiot - 2009-07-05

I want to take a loaf of break and tear off pieces and throw them into her pond.

j lzrd / swift idiot - 2009-07-05


facek - 2009-07-05

dih ain poduh habbuh

Muddy Mae Suggins - 2009-07-05

Dis ain posda happen

I get the feeling the swollen lips aren't impairing her speech as much as her life has impaired her speech.

millerman13 - 2009-07-05


theSnake - 2009-07-05


duck&cover - 2009-07-05

That emoticon made me laugh.

Dicknuts - 2009-07-05

Really fucking hard on my end. duck&cover is the right thing to do here.

charmlessman - 2009-07-05

:( |)

Urburos - 2009-07-05

What makes this video so funny is she's using the exact same rhetorical speak you use to talk to a small child or a puppy.

Cleaner82 - 2009-07-05

On the bright side, your strange deformity is perfect for sullen pouting.

delicatessen - 2009-07-05

Get this lady an oversized hat with eyeholes cut out!

kiint - 2009-07-05

stars for you and your obscure reference sirrah

fluffy - 2009-07-05

The fact people think this is obscure now makes me sad.

hornung - 2009-07-05

it's a very obscure reference since he's wrong.
dumb donald wore the hat.
mush mouth did not.

fluffy - 2009-07-05

Oh, so he did.

baleen - 2009-07-05

Yes, those are obviously the effects of time.

kingofthenothing - 2009-07-05

"Can you see my lip?"

No, no... no. Not at, I mean, whatever are you talking about?

Frank Rizzo - 2009-07-05

Guess what bitch? No more shellfish for you. Get fucked.

Hooker - 2009-07-05

She can't go outside like that, but she can upload a video of herself like that to the Internet? What the fuck is with people and the Internet?

zatojones - 2009-07-05

you see, she was alone in her apartment when she made the video so it's private right?

-1 for no explanation on why this might of happened

Muddy Mae Suggins - 2009-07-05

That's what my father looks like when he gets hives. I would guess it's hives.

Witty_Pop_Culture_Reference - 2009-07-05

This video jacked my imagination into overdrive thinking about all the posts of people whining to youtube right after they had been bitten in a zombie apocalypse.

And the comments section for those videos.

Chibisuke - 2009-07-05

DUDE. That would make for such an awesome flash-mob type thing on youtube. Just one night all these videos start popping up which begin with blubbering individuals and end with cameras tipped over on their sides and zombie moans in the background.

On the other hand, such a massive effort to fool people into thinking the zombie apocalypse is upon us could be construed as an act of terrorrism... HMM.

Worth the risk!

Frank Rizzo - 2009-07-05

allergic reaction to something.

Robin Kestrel - 2009-07-05

Had a girlfriend in college that ended up looking just like this a couple of hours after eating a slice of Celeste pizza. Must've been a mild allergic reaction to something on the pizza, but not severe enough to cause anaphylaxis. Lips were back to normal the next day. She was not as amused about it as I was.

Enjoy - 2009-07-05

She wanted to blow up a bus, but burned her lips on the exhaust pipe.

simon666 - 2009-07-05


moral sex - 2009-07-05

Am I the only one that doesn't see this as something bad? I like where this is going.

lordpotato - 2009-07-05

I dunno, mee'sa kinda likes it!

abeli$con - 2009-07-05

if cinema had less quentin tarentino and more franz kafka the world would be a better place

Error Again - 2009-08-24

"It's four in the morning, and you are a duck"


Time Travel Mishap - 2009-10-09

just as I was starting to laugh she said this isn't funny and it actually freaked me out for a second.

Chalkdust - 2009-12-10

you'd think you of all people would be used to instances of synchronicity by now

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