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baleen - 2009-07-06


baleen - 2009-07-06

As soon as the guy said Cypress Corners I knew who's channel this was. I love that guy.

Lurchi - 2009-07-06

This was the pilot; there are 16 episodes if you're curious. Most shows wait a while to introduce the stock boring old man character. (Sterling Hayden was an amazing actor who lived an incredible life, but he genuinely didn't give a shit about acting. See also: Venom with Oliver Reed, Susan George, Klaus Kinski and Nicol Williamson. They must have paid the cast in booze and thorazine shots.)

Harlan Ellison took his name off of it but seemed to bring it up at every opportunity. Poor Keir Dullea -- besides 2001 he was good in Bunny Lake Is Missing, a 60's Otto Preminger psychological thriller.

baleen - 2009-07-06

Also involved is Ben Bova as chief science editor (and basically show runner) who is an equally great but much nicer science fiction writer. All Harlan did was come up with the idea and probably write the show bible and 1st episode. The real brains behind the show as a whole is Bova.

And who else? Ellison dropped out after episode 1 and Ursula K. Le Guin took over and steered the rest of the series.

Other great writers contracted were Frank Herbert and Philip K. Dick, but they dropped out. This show should have been bigger and better than Star Trek. What a sad story.

Xenocide - 2009-07-06

It's already got Star Trek beat in the porn mustache category.

Desidiosus - 2009-07-06

Actually Bova wasn't any happier about the show than Ellison was. He just wasn't as big a prick about it.

Desidiosus - 2009-07-06

I remember watching this pretty clearly way back when.

Of course Harlan keeps bringing this up. He only uses his Cordwainer Bird pseudonym when he gets pissed off with the way a production goes. And Harlan being Harlan, he doesn't just get pissed off, he flies completely off the handle and condemns everyone involved to a fate worse than death. And makes sure everyone is aware of that fact for all time.

StanleyPain - 2009-07-06

In case anyone cares, a few months ago he sued Paramount yet again over not getting paid enough for writing City on the Edge of Forever. I think his whole life has been one long angry, bitching, lawsuit punctuated by occasionally good writing.

Baby Finster - 2009-07-06

I also remember watching this, and getting confused between this and Silent Running because they used parts of the same models for the ships.

MrBuddy - 2009-07-09

Sounds like Harlan Ellison. Geeze, watching this reminds me of how much I loved those cheesy, 1970s, sci-fi shows. Maybe someday I'll find the Logan's Run TV series on streaming video.

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2009-07-06

Oh Gay Rowan, we hardly knew ye.

Lurchi - 2010-11-26

Let me guess, Harlan Ellison sued YouTube to have all episodes removed. Did he ever acknowledge that he ripped the idea off from Heinlein? (Who probably ripped it off from someone else?)

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