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Comment count is 14
plopgun - 2009-07-07

I prefer this guy's song 'Alice', but i still love this.

Tripitaka - 2009-07-07

Oh this is by THAT guy? Automatic five.

StanleyPain - 2009-07-07

He's better known as Pogo, and has a bunch of tracks to download on Last FM.

Enjoy - 2009-07-07

Loved it

Xenocide - 2009-07-07

That candy store isn't going to be in business long considering his habit of not charging kids for any candy they consume while he's singing.

ProfessorChaos - 2009-07-07

That always bothered me. Charlie would look through the window hungrily, but clearly all he had to do was walk through the door to participate in the free candy orgy.

Camonk - 2009-07-07

There's just a ridiculous cover charge.

Too bad techno is a holocaust against the ears.

ProfessorChaos - 2009-07-07

Neat. It's like the Avalanches, only less ADHD.

mcsancherson - 2009-07-07

way worse than any of the actual songs from the movie

citrusmirakel - 2009-07-07


This is bad, but obviously you're forgetting about "Cheer Up Charlie"

baleen - 2009-07-07

the songs from the movie are great.
this just elevates pederasty into the 90's.

mcsancherson - 2009-07-07

yeah i meant to say that the movie is a trip and i love the music in it whereas this is pretty lame

freedoom - 2009-07-07

I respect the amount of work that goes into trance music but man any kind of music that requires you to be on some sort of drug to enjoy is not for me.

StanleyPain - 2009-07-07

I realize most of you here don't actually know anything about electronic music in the least, but calling this "trance" is about the stupidest thing, even for someone who doesn't like the music. It's like listening to Johnny Cash and saying "BOY I SURE HATE DEATH METAL."

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