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Comment count is 19
Longshot- - 2009-07-09

I'll watch it

Blolf Witzer - 2009-07-09

Looks pretty cool!

Poopskin, your name grosses me out so much.

poopskin - 2009-07-09

Blolf Witzer, why's it gross you out? It's what I refer to my pets as, just always has been. Guinea Pigs, Gerbils, basically not dogs and cats can be easily categorized as Poopskins.

j lzrd / swift idiot - 2009-07-09

Wouldn't pay money to see it, but would see it.

TeenerTot - 2009-07-09

Yeah...I'll see it.

And the D-9 website's pretty funny...try the "Maths from outer space" link.

poopskin - 2009-07-09

I dunno, I was more excited about it after the first trailer.

Millard - 2009-07-09

Yeah, same here. Looks cool and all, but I have a feeling it's not exactly going to be subtle in the social commentary. Maybe some alien will be forced to sit at the back of the bus and refuse or something.

allcaps - 2009-07-09

I am entirely relieved that this isn't going to be some allegorical weepfest where at the end we're supposed to realize that the aliens are us, they're US, if you just THINK ABOUT IT. ACTUALLY man's inhumanity to aliens ACTUALLY is man's inhumanity to MAN, ACTUALLY. The camera pans over, and points at a mirror. AN ALIEN IS HOLDING THE CAMERA. WE WERE ALIENS ALL ALONG. You fucking racists.

Yeah, that would've sucked. Explosions = $$$ and cum. Stop hoping for more.

poopskin - 2009-07-09

well you realize that this is most likely a backdoor attempt to greenlight the Halo movie, which he is also scheduled to direct. While I haven't ever played Halo (really) I'm familiar with the general look, story and the machinery which this seems to somewhat mimic. My theory is the guy that gets infected is like, the Original Master Chief upon which all future master chiefs are cloned. I can't believe I just wrote this :(

SolRo - 2009-07-09

halo movie is in production already it seems

allcaps - 2009-07-10

I doubt Hollywood would let Halo escape to some unknown South African dude. You'll know when it comes. They'll round us up and tattoo the ads right onto our cornea, I have no doubt.

MovieCritic - 2009-07-09

I think its a little more than a racial allegory. It seems more a critique of how humans blunder anything that seems truly foreign to themselves.

dead_cat - 2009-07-09

It looks more interesting than the other action-y films we've gotten so far this year. I hope it doesn't suck.

memedumpster - 2009-07-09

I can't tell if it will suck by the trailer, so it already beats out most movies.

SolRo - 2009-07-09

Seeing it!

Thank god the mech suits are going to be in it, I was worried about it from the first trailer.

poopskin - 2009-07-09

For the record I think Alive in Joberg is still fucking incredible

memedumpster - 2009-07-09

It is, and probably better than this will be. It will be an experiment in grossly inflating a modest genius.

Pillager - 2009-07-09

I'm in.

dead_cat - 2009-07-10

So, wait, Earth is the Alien's version of District 9 for humans?

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