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Desc:A convicted murderer explains why the New England publishing elite are conspiring to ruin her life.
Category:Educational, Crime
Tags:delusional thinking, convicted murderers, Most Evil, coincidences
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Comment count is 12
THA SUGAH RAIN - 2009-07-25

I hear you, lady. The porn elite and reptilians have been working to ruin my life for years. Fight the good fight, don't let them hold you back. Be strong.

mashedtater - 2009-07-26

aw sug, you are so funny sometimes.


pressed peanut sweepings - 2009-07-25

More context would be nice.

Riskbreaker - 2009-07-26

I second this.

mashedtater - 2009-07-26

Diana Dial, a mother and librarian, was being stalked by President Clinton and former Senator George Mitchell. She was the heiress to the Howard Hughes fortune, and conducted intelligence work for the CIA�or so she believed. Dial has paranoid schizophrenia, an illness that eventually drove her to kill her roommate whom she believed had poisoned her--and was going to poison the rest of her family.

When she went on trial for murder, Dial faced Texas' strict laws regarding the insanity defense, which has been modified in l983 in response to the John Hinkely defense. Lawyers had to prove that Dial could not distinguish between right and wrong at the time of the shooting; a much more difficult standard than in the past.

Xenocide - 2009-07-26

Who wouldn't buy a book called "What a Load of Trash?"

phalsebob - 2009-07-26

An evil scale? Oh Jesus.

Xenocide - 2009-07-26


See the evil scale for yourself! And take our quiz in this month's Cosmo to see where YOU rank on it!

THA SUGAH RAIN - 2009-07-26

"14 Ruthlessly self-centered psychopathic schemers"
Every person I work with is a level 14 evil.

mashedtater - 2009-07-26

you can go to work and tell them that now.

Rudy - 2009-07-27

"What drives a person to think in such a delusional manner?"

Fuck if we know, but listen to this loony bitch - she be KRAZY!

crotchy - 2009-07-26


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