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Comment count is 15
Smellvin - 2009-07-27

I was going to laugh at him using a Crapintosh, but then I noticed it was Dane Cook. It figures.

Sick Man - 2009-07-27

Eat shit.

gotterdamm - 2009-07-27

Aww man, now he'll never tell us of his cutting edge operating system-related humor?

Here's one: How many Amiga's does it take to screw in a lightbulb?

A: Who cares, I don't have aspergers.

MovieCritic - 2009-07-27

Eh this was better than his usual routine.

mouser - 2009-07-27

Maybe we suck at photoshop but he sucks at acting.

Aelric - 2009-07-27

I'm not going to vote because I enjoyed the first 10 of these videos, however Dane Cook is usually an auto-1 star due to his position of hero to all D-bags and birth defect where his funny never grew.

SolRo - 2009-07-27

so you were one of the idiots not to realize it was dane cook from the very start?

Chalkdust - 2009-07-27

you were one of the idiots who thought it was?

http://laughingsquid.com/is-the-you-suck-at-photoshop-donnie-h oyle-actually-dane-cook/

Spoilers: only during the last 3 seconds

ragebots - 2009-07-27

The anti Bob Ross.

Comeuppance - 2009-07-27

The amount of rage that the inclusion of Dane Cook in this video has caused = 5 stars.

ztc - 2009-07-28

They hired him to appear in the video just so they could shoot him!

5 stars

Rabid Vegan - 2009-07-28

Who the fuck is Dane Cook?

voodoo_pork - 2009-07-28

Ehhn. Not a worthy end.

pastorofmuppets - 2009-07-28

David Cross doesn't need to kill Dane Cook to be cool.

Also will everyone on the internet please stop saying Dane Cook was the guy in all these videos. Sometimes people do shit for a gag. There are various rules of reality that do not apply to fiction. 100% perfect continuity is one of them.

I'm talking to you, tvtropes.com.

pastorofmuppets - 2009-07-28

...which happens to be a typo squatter site...

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