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Comment count is 7
KnowFuture - 2006-08-31

So heavily edited he could be talking about anything, really

Caminante - 2006-08-31

5 stars for the groovy page-turn swipe.

Teldin - 2006-08-31

Bleh. "Hey let's just hop from sentence to sentence to make him look less stupid" "BRILLIANT"

Capn Profan!ty - 2006-08-31

He's technically not saying dissent is fascism. But he implies everything.

josiahsuarez - 2006-08-31

GWB and the neocuntservatives are the fascists!

johnnyhamhock - 2006-09-01

Let the man speak so I can tell him he is wrong

Tyfus - 2006-09-01

USA! USA! USA! Godspeed!

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