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Comment count is 35
simon666 - 2009-07-30

I don't know how to react to hipsters becoming self aware and then ironically self parodying themselves.

Helena Handbasket - 2009-07-30

I do.

William Burns - 2009-07-31

5 stars is how I reacted.

baleen - 2009-07-31

They have since they started calling each other hipsters.
That's part of the joke. Of calling each other hipsters.

baleen - 2009-07-31

I mean who do you think first started using the term? THE WHOLE SUB-CULTURE IS SELF REFERENTIAL. FOR FUCK SAKE.

BTW this was shot in my neighborhood LOL
(I meant LOL ironically)
sike (heh) :D (not really)

Freeman Gordon - 2009-07-30

My gawd this was great.

Sick Man - 2009-07-30

The title seemed like an oxymoron until I saw it was that other kind of Job.

Bored - 2009-07-31

That's what I thought too. I was more geared up to see a hard-hitting documentary about how a pork pie hat wearing dipshit can't find a job.

KnowFuture - 2009-07-30

"Where were YOU when I was making this dump cool?"


Menudo con queso - 2009-07-31


Xenocide - 2009-07-31

Stars for that.

chairsforcheap - 2009-07-30

well that sucked.

Walker - 2009-07-30

Yeah, that was pretty good.

Paranatural - 2009-07-30

WTF is a hipster?

Bored - 2009-07-31

It is a dog licking its anus.


revdrew - 2009-07-31

Think "douchebag" and you're half way there.

revdrew - 2009-07-31

I was actually going to give this a four but whatever.

FABIO - 2009-07-31

The judgmental cliqueness of highschool meets the materialism of yuppies and the idle rich meets incredible self-delusion trying desperately to convince themselves that they're all indy.

FABIO - 2009-07-31

Better answer: deep down they realize they're worthless failures and spend every waking moment trying to convince themselves that being outside the norm makes them creative souls. If they're too creative for mainstream society to understand, that justifies their not fitting into any typical idea of success. The instant they start feeling normal, the illusion is shattered and they're just worthless hippies who can't hold a job outside a coffee shop part time, so they try so very very way too hard to constantly shun mainstream and ride that edge.

infinite zest - 2009-07-31

Hipster = 'Nigger' of the new century. Discuss.

zatojones - 2009-07-31

and when they eventually either get tired of doing what FABIO describes or too old to pull it off convincingly they go back to their affluent parents' house in the suburbs

bias - 2009-07-31

a word that was originally used exclusively used by hipsters to shit on other hipsters which has since come into popular usage on the internet to shit on anyone that is below the age of 40 that looks like they might be having a better time than you.

FABIO - 2009-07-31

I actually live in Williamsburg right now =(

It is hell on Earth. Due to no time to shop around, I had to take a sublet on two hipster apartments.

5 out of 7 of them (two separate apartments) worked at the same thrift clothing store. One was chronically unemployed, the other a bar back at Beauty Bar.

The chronically unemployed one would sit around all day smoking, downloading garage music, and working on "art" (http://www.andymecca.com/39.html). It was his job to call the cable company to get an internet connection set up, what with his being home all day not busy doing a goddamn thing, but after two weeks he still hadn't done it because it was just TOO HARD.

The thrift store people would maybe work 15-20 hours a week, inbetween taking month long vacations every other month to a relative's private Puerto Rico beach house.

The majority of people in the buildings (75% or more) were either enrolled in a k+ private art school or had graduated from one and were still working at thrift stores.

One would go on about how V for Vendetta was so deep and meaningful about like, bad governments and stuff, man. I asked what they thought of 1984 and they had no clue what I was talking about. "I wasn't born then."

Every roommate is always working on an "art" project because they're just SO CREATIVE. Some projects include:

- Framed picture of cut up colored drinking straws in the bathroom.

- Troll doll head stuck on a naked barbie doll body, popping out of a beer can, which is superglued to the toilet.

- Sketch of Jesus sucking off the 5 foot erection of a dead dog, who in turn is sucking off another man.

- Collage of pictures taped to the fridge, made up from a call girl catalog that they "ironically" brought back after an "ironic" trip to a strip club.

- The girl who took over my room showed up with 2 metric tons of broken furniture she had picked up from street corners on the way. Stuff so far gone I couldn't even tell what it had been in the first place, basically driftwood. She swore she could fix it all up as a personal project. Her solution to every item was to "throw a tapestry over it".

Thank god I'm moving to Boston next month! I visited a while ago and I forgot how much fucking CLEANER it is.

FABIO - 2009-07-31

If bias' idea of fun is constantly trying to one-up their peers in obscure musical taste, then I agree!

FatFatuousNation - 2009-07-31

Fuck the naysayers, this is funny

godot - 2009-07-31

Others don't realize reducing 25 chapters to: "They debated back and forth until God couldn't take any more of their shit" is utter genius.

phalsebob - 2009-07-31

Naked Lincoln isn't sure about this.

infinite zest - 2009-07-31

yay I've created my own Buddyhead vs. Pitchfork deathmatch in my own mind,

theSnake - 2009-07-31

This fucking sucked ass and balls.

glendower - 2009-07-31

The evil tatoo artist is priceless. By the way, since there are so many hipster experts here, how do these cutting-edge folks survive in expensive Williamsburg without standard jobs? I'd like to live there, but I can't afford ,000 a month.

1394 - 2009-07-31

Trust funds.

Huskerdu324 - 2009-07-31

So hip, it hurts

Horsecock Johnson, M.D. - 2009-07-31

Someone should introduce him to Black Jesus from Super Rumble Mix Show.

Spit Spingola - 2009-07-31

Had me at Naked Abraham Lincoln.

Testicles of Doom - 2009-08-02

Hipsters or not, dancing God at the end earns my stars.

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