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Comment count is 23
fluffy - 2009-08-03

His meanness is more than made up for by his cleverness and guile.

This is the "ow my balls" to end all "ow my balls."

infinite zest - 2009-08-03

suprisingly all linkable tags

THA SUGAH RAIN - 2009-08-03

Already dead. :-(

THA SUGAH RAIN - 2009-08-04

I change my vote to 5 stars.

infinite zest - 2009-08-03

so much for linkable tags. So like, there's about 5 fucking billion videos of people getting their testicles destroyed. What made this one different? That it was clever?

Freeman Gordon - 2009-08-03

Clever fast engineering.

Chibisuke - 2009-08-03

http://golmao.com/sonnyleex/1011_blindfolded_guy_tricked_into_hitt ing_himself_in_the_nuts

JimL2 - 2009-08-03

I was so impressed, I updated the dead link with the raw Collegehumor video. I'm not easily impressed by "ow my balls" videos, either. (Okay so that might be a lie.)

sosage - 2009-08-03

He should get a job at ACME

1394 - 2009-08-03

ow my balls video of the year 2009

The Townleybomb - 2009-08-03

Give me a lever and a place to stand and I will nail you right in the babymaker.

Elvis Hitler - 2009-08-04

Well said

glasseye - 2009-08-04

Great video, minus two stars for worthless tags.

blackmetallic - 2009-08-09

I love tag nazis. Jackass.

phalsebob - 2009-08-04

Fuck I hate college bro humour. However, this was executed with such cool artistry that on that count alone it has earned 5 stars.

infinite zest - 2009-08-04

you can thank the resubmitter for the college humor link, not I.. although I mean it when I say thanks, because I believe this to be one of the better 'hit in the nuts' videos ever, and the world would be a much scarier place if only a select few of poetv.com got to see it when it was in the hopper before it got taken off youtube.

Document - 2009-08-04

I want to believe that Sneaky Ballpuncher drew a blueprint of this. Little stick figure, bucket, log, the whole thing.

Desidiosus - 2009-08-04

Nutshot guy will be plotting revenge for years but never come up with anything as effective and yet succinct.

zatojones - 2009-08-04

i am impressed by the physics and planning involved

Kumquatxop - 2009-08-05

Hey it's like a Half-life 2 puzzle but in real life

Chalkdust - 2009-08-06


Fatwacker - 2009-10-21

Tomorrows engineers today.
I giggled.

Anhedonia - 2009-10-26

It hit him in the balls. 5 stars.

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