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Comment count is 18
THA SUGAH RAIN - 2009-08-03

The guy who designed that building is laughing his ass off at your pathetic demolition attempts.

Riskbreaker - 2009-08-04

Shouldn't there be explosions in order to take that thing down? Seems that they just took away part of it and expected to see the rest fall down, not drop like a domino piece.

THA SUGAH RAIN - 2009-08-04

The blasting part failed and only blew out that chunk.

The Townleybomb - 2009-08-04

Awry my ass. The demolitions people were just showing off here.

Cleaner82 - 2009-08-04

How wrong you are. Actually there was a foreign spy standing right on the spot to which it rolled.

Jeriko-1 - 2009-08-04

I can almost hear the Price is Right Horn.

Riskbreaker - 2009-08-04

BTW, great use of the katamari tag.

Xenocide - 2009-08-04

It's impossible to watch that video without the theme song running through my head.

lieutenant halfabeef - 2009-08-04

Rolling buildings?

Desidiosus - 2009-08-04

Maybe the building was called the Rick Estates?

infinite zest - 2009-08-04

yay spaceships

Huskerdu324 - 2009-08-04

They got what they paid for.

Ponasty - 2009-08-04

damn termites.

phalsebob - 2009-08-04

Roll d6 for damage.

Toenails - 2009-08-04

I see what you did there.

socialist_hentai - 2009-08-04

The first strike of the coup has been dealt.

voodoo_pork - 2009-08-04


enki don't - 2009-08-04


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