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Comment count is 9
Freeman Gordon - 2009-08-06

Good interview. A shame the ending is interrupted.

halon - 2009-08-06

Oh my god I watched the whole thing. That was like running a marathon of stupid bitch.

You are not working to make the world a better place you bitch, you are working to keep your damn security blanket.

F3AR - 2009-08-07

why the fuck did you watch every part

halon - 2009-08-07

because I am hardcore, bro

pastorofmuppets - 2009-08-07

I am also hardcore and watched them all.

But I acknowledge that it sort of a guilty pleasure. Like watching Mike Tyson punch a pregnant woman in the gut. I mean you have this lady who's basically psychotic and she's arguing with a Royal Society Fellow.

The nice thing about Dawkins is there's a certain kind of response only a Brit could pull off, and it's called for throughout this interview. 2:00 in this part is a good example.

sheikurbouti - 2009-08-07

Tracy Enid Flick

William Burns - 2009-08-07

She just doesn't use punctuation, excepting the words UHHM and UHH.

pastorofmuppets - 2009-08-07

This would be a good thing to watch for a class in informal logic or rhetoric. It follows a simple pattern...he says "have you seen the fossils?" and she counters with a fallacy designed to change the subject.

Also, by her logic, since the Shroud of Turin dates back to 1300, that lady needs a new Messiah.

IMO she does, but that's neither here nor there.

Deplorable - 2009-08-07

Evolution is so dangerous the knowledge of the very concept is so societally damaging that nothing but full denial and mind-warping will protect from it. Maybe if we collectively think happy thoughts we won't destroy each other in an animalistic godless rage!

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