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Comment count is 11
cognitivedissonance - 2009-08-08

...except what he's talking about is actually lucid and in favor of the Middle Path, with a well thought out argument leading to multiple possible intellectual and emotional conclusions instead of just the one he wants you to agree with.

Please don't compare people to Glenn Beck who aren't Glenn Beck.

Tuan Jim - 2009-08-08

Uh, dude, maybe you should read a little more about Father Coughlin.

Goofy Gorilla - 2009-08-09

Is the Middle Path kind of like the Final Solution?

You know, you're a bit like Glenn Beck yourself when you think about it.

Goofy Gorilla - 2009-08-09

I mean seriously, did you watch the video? He made no cogent points, literally yelled every word, tried to appeal only to emotion-- you were making with the sarcasm, right? I'm a bit dull, so when someone makes the stupidest comment that a computer a thousand years in the future could design, I can't always tell if that was the intention or if, by providence, a mere mortal by chance stumbled upon that gleaming nugget of sheer dumb-ass.

cognitivedissonance - 2009-08-09

Don't ever compare Glenn Beck to anything other than Ren and/or Stimpy.

Document - 2009-08-08

Oh man, Father Coughlin. It's been a while. It's like returning to an old, rancid, anti-Semitic person you wouldn't want to call a "friend" exactly, but it's always interesting when they're around.

If you're interested in old time oratory you NEED to look this guy's speeches up. He has his grandiose way of conjuring up Biblical images and then masterfully warping them to apply to the political sphere of the era. (Unsurprisingly, the priest character in Carnivale was based on Coughlin.)

A bit of a warning: dude's really, REALLY anti-Semitic in an evil way, not a product-of-his-time way. His views are just fucking horrible but still, it's POE.

pastorofmuppets - 2009-08-09

That explains 1:39, I guess.

Squidmojo - 2009-08-09

My sister got married in his old church (Shrine of the Little Flower, in Royal Oak, MI). They had a weird historical room devoted to him.

Also, the evil preacher in Carnivale was based on Coughlin.

THA SUGAH RAIN - 2009-08-09

Father Coughlin, if everyone's wages went up, the value of money would go down.

pastorofmuppets - 2009-08-09

I heard the priest character in Carnivale was based on this guy.

Hooper_X - 2009-08-09

He kind of reminds me of the priest from Carnivale.

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