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Comment count is 11
Ponasty - 2009-08-13

I assume its a joke?
Not as crazy as my friend that thinks everything should run off of good "vibrations"

Doctor Arcane - 2009-08-13

Hmm. I dunno, basically I imagine you have a sensor which detects the bike's RPM, and sets a QoS policy accordingly. Not really that complicated.

fluffy - 2009-08-14

That is exactly what they did, and spent the last third of the very short video to explain.

StanleyPain - 2009-08-13

Meh.the funniest thing about this is the joke made in the description and that's not even in the video.

mashedtater - 2009-08-13

the description was steller

infinite zest - 2009-08-14

my original description was going to be "Twin_Angels_2.avi(aXXo)" but I thought that'd be too revealing, well, to everybody here in general :D

mashedtater - 2009-08-13

i thought it was cute

Walt Henderson - 2009-08-13

I see the beginnings of a new public health campaign.

ragebots - 2009-08-14

Agreed, I want to see that guy download some torrents through his bike.

longwinded - 2009-08-14

is that a euphemism?

Monchiles Monchiles - 2009-08-14

This is the beginning of something good. I can see maybe in the future a kid having to rack up some internet time through excercise? Someone will figure out a way to market this.

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