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Desc:If you look closely enough you can see the strings Roger Ailes uses to manipulate his Beck puppet
Category:News & Politics, Humor
Tags:fox news, the daily show, john stewart, glenn beck, diarrhea of the mouth
Submitted:Scrotum H. Vainglorious
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Comment count is 7
charmlessman - 2009-08-18

I love that, because he's a comedian, he gets to say the things respectable "journalists" can't say, no matter how true they are.

j lzrd / swift idiot - 2009-08-18

Why do you think I gave up on my journalism major 12 units from getting my degree when my crisis of conscience hit me? I couldn't live with myself. I'd break every mirror in my house, so I wouldn't have to meet my own eyes when I woke up in the morning. I could not picture myself becoming any part of the newspaper machine, as the newspaper business stands today. I knew enough to cut my losses, and I honestly don't regret it, whether that means baking bread and bagels for the rest of my life or not.

Stewart is living the dream.

Rum Revenge - 2009-08-18

I used to think people like him were just nucking futz. Now I know they're hypocrites on top of that. It's like the right wing has become a fleet of clown cars, only it's failure coming out instead of clowns.

fatatty - 2009-08-18

It would be funny if that failure spilling out wasn't paranoid, delusional and heavily armed.

Camonk - 2009-08-18

It'd also be funnier if the failure weren't succeeding so well in keeping us from universal health care.

Cheese - 2009-08-18

What a Bouch Dag!

RockBolt - 2009-08-22

My monocle!

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