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Comment count is 12
Billy the Poet - 2009-08-19

There is no trace of meter in his voice. IT IS JUST A SER IES OF E VEN LY AC CEN TED SYL LA BLES.

Also his wife came in a crate with holes poked in the top.

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2009-08-19

His humanity was made of thetans. It was necessary to drain it out so that. He could. Make vid. Eos for. Scien. Tology.

RoyCastle - 2009-08-19

too bad there's actually people out there stupid enough to think that there's any truth to any of that

Chancho - 2009-08-19

My name is Sean. I am a handyman because I can't stick with a trade and become a journeyman.

Dr Dim - 2009-08-19

Please tell me they have a gynecologist scientologist.

BOOSH - 2009-08-19

that is either one tiny lady or one giant man

BHWW - 2009-08-19

They had a dozen outtakes featuring Sean suddenly freezing up and going into a speech loop, neccessitating the removal of his faceplate so they could access his circuitry.

Jefka - 2009-08-19

POETV had conditioned me to expect a TF2-style intro for this video.


dicktatortot - 2009-08-19

Is it true that L.Ron Hubbard made a bet that he could create a religion and this is what he came up with? To lazy to pull up Snopes.

StanleyPain - 2009-08-19

For the most part, yes. When he was still a struggling pulp fiction writer, he was well known the sci-fi/fantasy community as someone who said that his idea for getting rich would be to create a self-help religion where people paid for therapy dressed as a form of religion. He actually told several people that and there's considerable evidence that much of the backstory of Scientology (Xenu and thetans and all that) was just shit from notes he was working on for a sci-fi novel.

misterbuns - 2012-06-04

You are so late to this party, my friend.

dicktatortot - 2009-08-19

Okay went to Snopes and there is nothing on L.Ron Hubbard doesn't recognize the name, and Scientology is about two short lines about how they claimed copyright and had videos removes from youtube. I find that odd.

That or I don't know what I'm doing.

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