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Comment count is 15
Desidiosus - 2009-08-21


Also 9:56

Ranma X. - 2009-08-21

This really needs a "The Crawling Eye" tag

Meerkat - 2009-08-22

I just finished watching that.

B. Weed - 2009-08-22

Yes! I'm not the only one who saw that.

Freakazoid sometimes had really *odd* movie references (one of the Gutierrez episodes had an opener parodying The Abominable Dr. Phibes).

Camonk - 2009-08-22

This was the good one. Why is it the one with like ten episodes while it at least seemed like Road Rovers went on for ten years?

snothouse - 2009-08-22


Caminante Nocturno - 2009-08-22

Because Steven Spielberg has awful tastes in cartoons, which explains why he chose Animaniacs over this.

Louis Armstrong - 2009-08-22

Freakazoid:"Well, at least they still have those little motorboats."

Hans: *Bites lip looks away*


Louis Armstrong - 2009-08-22

Also is the voice who does Jon Irenicus from Baldurs Gate II and the Lobe one in the same?

Hegemony Cricket - 2009-08-22

It's a bit of a shame David Warner is remembered as Jon Irenicus, but yeah...this is Henry Niles, Jennings, Jack the Ripper, Evil, Sark/MCP, Gul "four lights" Madred, and a whole bunch of wonderful, and not so wonderful, parts over a nearly 50-year career.

Camonk - 2009-08-22

I'll always remember him as Evil first and foremost.

MongoMcMichael - 2009-08-22

"Hey, Freakazoid, wanna go build a go-kart?" Cosgrove is the best side character ever.

Redlof - 2009-08-22

I was sure this was going to be one starred into oblivion. Poetv is fickle and capricious.

Caminante Nocturno - 2009-08-22

Cosgrove always struck me as an easy man to get presents for.

mashedtater - 2009-08-23

really? i think he is kinda like your dad. you could get him anything and he would be happy, but you really want to impress him.

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