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Comment count is 12
pressed peanut sweepings - 2009-08-19

What an amazing plant.

THA SUGAH RAIN - 2009-08-19

A rat fell into a pitcher plant? What is good about this?

pressed peanut sweepings - 2009-08-19

It got digested.

That is a most glorious event.

Syd Midnight - 2009-08-19

The plant enjoys eating rats. It has evolved from smaller insectivorous pitcher plants to become a practical rat-eater. It only has to be large enough to hold prey until it drowns.

Blaise - 2009-08-19

Step #1 - Put rat on pitcher plant in greenhouse.

Step #2 - Run out of frame as quick as you can.

Step #3 - Sell clip of rat falling into plant to tabloid for 0.00.


I don't care if it is a "rat-eating plant" ... any plant that nabs a mouse is one lucky motherfucker.

Big Beef Burritos Supreme - 2009-08-19

"Golf ball eating plant discovered."

kennydra - 2009-08-19

the URL in the desc doesn't work, but regardless, it's not as if it was just discovered that this plant eats rodents. i had a botany book when i was a child that was published in the early 70's which talked about this plant; i always thought it was super cool.

-1 for not being in the wild

Udderdude - 2009-08-19


Freeman Gordon - 2009-08-19

A plant eating rat, I've read. Turns out it's was the other way around. Love such surprises.

Ponasty - 2009-08-19

whats to keep the little guy from gnawing his way out of the plant??
ive seen hole in aluminum panels chewed through by rodents. does it have a pitcher full of acid that the mouse dissolves in??
im not sold.

Longshot- - 2009-08-19

Heeeeyyyyy, Yeah.

You almost had me POE.

Spastic Avenger - 2009-08-19

Nepenthes Raja?

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