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Comment count is 23
dementomstie - 2009-08-25

Mary Marvel was about to use her powers to help her vacuum. That doesn't seem like a practical use for her powers.
Also, with a skirt that short, should she really be flying around?

Sundry - 2009-08-25

Mary Marvel comes from a more innocent time.

Of course that the 90s had an impact on the character.
Right now she is depowered, but before that she was a teenage girl that magically transformed into a bombshell with a short skirt. This was exploited for plot, like when Guy Gardner sexually harassed her.

And Captain Marvel had to leave the JSA superteam when he was accused of being a pedo for being too "friendly" with StarGirl.

BillFisto - 2009-08-25

Five stars for labouriously outlining what "Shazam" stands for when introducing Captain Marvel, then glossing over it with Mary Marvel.

Also, she uses her powers for housework.

Oh, and an amazing talking tiger.

BillFisto - 2009-08-25

I am including the aforementioned stars here. Crime and the forces of evil stole them.

Elvis Hitler - 2009-08-25

I wonder if Mary could use her super powers to make me a pretty awesome sandwich and to get me a beer.

SDAusmus - 2009-08-25

Huh-huh, "WIZZ-TV".

CaptainJesusHood - 2009-08-25

You know Shazam's a powerful dude cause he's got the planet sitting next to his chair.

namtar - 2009-08-25

I've always hated the Shazam title. DC and Marvel's legal battle over the Captain Marvel name is so damn annoying.

Does anyone even read the Marvel Comics Captain Marvel books that they put out every couple years just to reinforce their claim to the name?

Rudy - 2009-08-25

When Mary Batson speaks the word "SHAZAM", she becomes Mary Marvel, with the grace of Selena and a bunch of other qualities from some other Greek broads!

Tuan Jim - 2009-08-25

If I were crippled, I'd spend all my time as a flying dude, even if he were a crappy second-rate "super, jr." hero.

namtar - 2009-08-25

I think even if your name was Shit-Eater Man Jr, being able to fly around and fight crime would be pretty cool.

Especially so if your costume was cool enough that Elvis stole design elements from it.

Chibisuke - 2009-08-25

You think fighting crime would be pretty cool if your name was Shit-Eater Man Jr?

Think about that for a second.

Desidiosus - 2009-08-26

You wouldn't need to fly around. Just tell the crooks what your name is and beat the crap out of them while they're rolling around laughing at you.

Xenocide - 2009-08-25

Freddy's magic word was also his weakness.

"Stop right there, criminals!"

"What? Who the hell are you?"

"I'm Captain Marvel Ju-"

(lightning bolt turns him back into a cripple, criminals lynch him.)

BHWW - 2009-08-25

Mary Marvel! Staying in the Kitchen And Baking Something Power!

Toenails - 2009-08-25


I think I was almost raped.

GravidWithHate - 2009-08-25

The Courage of Achilles? Dude was invulnerable, couldn't be harmed anywhere other than his ankle.

Camonk - 2009-08-26

He was pretty brave to just sulk in his tent and not fight.

phalsebob - 2009-08-26

All the house work and sandwich making jokes have been taken. I'm so depressed.

StanleyPain - 2009-08-26

SO, does this mean I can say "Captain Marvel Jr.!!!" and become "Captain Marvel Jr. Jr.?"

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2009-08-26

I never knew this existed, but I love the Justice League episode where he and Superman beat the crap out of each other and the city they live in, because Superman is a dick.

Aelric - 2009-08-26

He is one lame newsboy.

dododge - 2009-09-05

Another 10 seconds of footage and you'd never be able to convince me this wasn't a "TV Funhouse" bit.

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