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Comment count is 16
Keefu - 2009-08-29


William Burns - 2009-08-29

why diddin he just fuckin fight him fukkin fag

duck&cover - 2009-08-29

That antelope is no dope.

phalsebob - 2009-08-29

They aught to do way instain cheeta

gazebo - 2009-08-29

That antelope wasn't playing dead, the Hyena is the Christ!

Document - 2009-08-29


grimcity - 2009-08-29

Fuck yeah! Barge another day!!!

revdrew - 2009-08-29

Also, his balls are HUGE.

Pookles - 2009-08-29

Yep that's pretty ballsy. It would not occur to me, after being caught by one predator, to play dead on the chance that another predator would come along and distract the first one.

dbtng - 2009-08-29

That was ... really good. Wow.

Vaidency - 2009-08-29

African wildlife proves yet again that it's just way more hardcore than the rest of the world.

Scrotum H. Vainglorious - 2009-08-29

There's a lesson to be learned here.

mouser - 2009-08-29

Antelopes are dicks and dont play fair.

Cleaner82 - 2009-08-29

"What the f-- oh goddamn it."

memedumpster - 2009-08-29

The Unnommable.

Old People - 2013-08-29


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