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Comment count is 33
Billie_Joe_Buttfuck - 2009-09-07

'Don't order a soy frap from this guy'


Billie_Joe_Buttfuck - 2009-09-07

Whoa, changed in less than a minute. didn't want to out yourself?

Enjoy - 2009-09-07

Your speedy comment beat my edit.

Billie_Joe_Buttfuck - 2009-09-07


Toenails - 2009-09-07

When did Coffee stop being a man's drink?

futurebot - 2009-09-07

please elaborate on "man"

Toenails - 2009-09-07

*makes Tim Allen grunts*

chumbucket - 2009-09-07

putting waaaay too much work into a basic laxative dose

takewithfood - 2009-09-07

I want to go to his coffee shop and order a diet coke.

boner - 2009-09-07

Coffee tastes like liquid garbage to me.

memedumpster - 2009-09-07

I almost feel like the "pretetntious" tag should be all capital letters on this one, as a warning.

I am a coffee addict, which is different from this guy's coffee enthusiasm. I will drink it if it has caffeine and is called "coffee." If I walked into this guy's shop and had to listen to him talk about coffee before slugging some down, I'd strangle him like a crack addict with a chatty dealer. No one likes an opinionated cracktease.

Rabid Vegan - 2009-09-07

Calling this guy "pretentious" means that you have NO FUCKING IDEA about coffee. He is right on every count.

Camonk - 2009-09-07

Doesn't mean he's not an annoying twat while going on and on and on and OH YEAH ON about it. Contrast him to the soda guy, who was very knowledgeable, but also completely pleasant in informative.

This guy is rubbing his knowledge in your face because he thinks he's better than you. Which he might be. I don't know. I'm not here to judge.

nidan - 2009-09-07

His job is making the best coffee possible for people who are really into coffee. If you don't want to go to as much trouble as he does, no one is making you, but he is giving you the information you need to make better coffee, which he acquired by a lot of hard work and study. He doesn't act like he thinks he is better than you, he acts like he knows a lot about coffee.

I drink a lot of Blue Bottle coffee (from the roaster this guy works for). It is excellent and worth the high price. I guess that makes me a douche.

StanleyPain - 2009-09-07

Just because someone is right about something doesn't mean they cannot also be pretentious.

Randroid - 2009-09-07

Sound advice despite being a bit of a cunt, yes.

Xenocide - 2009-09-07

I am proud that I have no fucking idea about coffee. It is the most foul of beverages.

Also, the term "barista" can go kill itself behind an alley (which it will once it realizes how worthless its art school diploma is.) You people are to coffee what 16 year olds whose parents made them get a summer job are to Big Macs. Don't think you get to have a fancy title.

memedumpster - 2009-09-07

Have you ever sucked dick for coffee?

I didn't think so.

Ruteger - 2009-09-07

He's pretentious because he goes on and on about how to make the 'proper' espresso or latte and misses out on the fact that if you were to make one of those lattes with the milk foam art anywhere else in the world people would laugh in your face. He's essentially going on about how to make the perfect 'Seattle' coffee/espresso/milk drinks (which is also probably why he has little beef with Starbucks). I have news for him: Seattle isn't the centre of the coffee universe and what is considered good coffee there is considered crap or worse, a complete joke everywhere else in the world.

glasseye - 2009-09-08

Uh, no.

The good coffee scene in Seattle is so fundamentally different from the shit Starbucks puts out that bringing up the latter is a total red herring.

Furthermore, Seattle IS the center of the coffee universe. Starbucks isn't; it's the dozens of small roasters and coffee shops producing amazing stuff that give it the #1 spot.

What's your "center of the coffee universe," a dunkin' donuts on the NJ turnpike?

revdrew - 2009-09-07

He wasn't THAT bad.

Jeriko-1 - 2009-09-07

And he makes us all delicious, delicious coffee...

I don't see what all the fuss is.

C. Eloi Marx - 2009-09-07

A coffee recommendation for those of us in Toronto; you must (must) try out Bulldog Coffee on Church and Granby. That is all.

teethsalad - 2009-09-07

i'll still take my coffee black and cheap

and not made within 20 ft. of anyone who self-identifies with the title of barista

glasseye - 2009-09-07

If you want to drink raw sewage nobody's going to stop you.

Toenails - 2009-09-07

It's a little-known secret that the longer a cup of cheap coffee sits in the pot, the better.

Of course, after three days a film of mold starts to form at the top, but you could just skim that right off.

dueserpenti - 2009-09-07

"Pretentious" has become a label for mediocre plebes to apply to anyone who demonstrates knowledge and passion for any subject. I cannot imagine their joy when they discovered this word with which they could finally turn the tables and make it uncool to be good at something. Is this guy a hipster cunt? Indubitably. But he knows more about coffee than you and he is giving you the benefit of his knowledge while making a special effort _not_ to make you feel bad about your ignorance. Any shame or self-loathing you feel is your doing and not his.

And to those of you who think coffee is icky, that's exactly his point. Get some coffee that's made right and see if you feel the same way. If you do, you'll have to spend some time educating you palate, because coffee is objectively good, and anyone who doesn't eat all of their meals in the parking lot of 7-11 knows it.

frau_eva - 2009-09-07

Objectively good? Except to supertasters, who have the most taste buds and are known to usually hate coffee.


dueserpenti - 2009-09-07

"More" does not mean "more sophisticated." If a person with hyperacusis finds sopranos intolerable, that doesn't mean Cecilia Bartoli is a bad singer. The fact that some people are uncommonly photosensitive makes the sunrise no less beautiful.

Lies, lies, LIES! - 2009-10-18

These stars are for you. If you hate people who know things about stuff and care about what they do, go back to the video games forum and be fat there.

phalsebob - 2009-09-07

Bah. I can't take this guy seriously at all. His T is not nearly ironic enough.

phalsebob - 2009-09-07

Also, I like Tetley tea because Elves make it. One star per elf.

zeuspopsicles - 2010-09-16

It was interesting and informative, but the part that makes it pretentious is "people who order an espresso get a lot of respect..." Just watched the urban farming obsessives, and the difference is stark. She's doing a thing, for herself, and she's telling other people about its ups and downs.

This guy, on the other hand, is making judgments as to what is good and not good, and associating it with the people who make the choices that they do.

He knows his stuff, but he's obsessing over non-fundamentals. Let's face it, coffee is a luxury. Obsessing + judging over luxury = pretentious.

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