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Comment count is 13
Xenocide - 2009-09-14

"I believe in civility on the floor."

wtf japan - 2009-09-14

If America was still the great nation it purports to be, one of his fellow statesmen would have viciously beat him with a cane shortly after he made his remarks.

ASubmarineSandwich - 2009-09-14

Didn't that actually happen sometime in the 19th century?

ASubmarineSandwich - 2009-09-14

Answer to my own question: a resounding yes:


Jeff Fries - 2009-09-15

"The city of Brooksville, Florida, and Brooks County, Georgia, are named in Brooks' honor.[1]"

chairsforcheap - 2009-09-14


HarrietTubmanPI - 2009-09-14

What you believe as the truth isn't always the truth. Belief doesn't make something so.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2009-09-14

Let's all stop talking about this ridiculous little man and instead talk about how OBAMA DID NOT LIE!


fluffy - 2009-09-14

Yes you apologized to the President but he's not the only person who was affected by your ridiculous histrionics.

HP Lovesauce - 2009-09-15

2:27 'let's get to the issues' - yeah civil discourse regarding health care would be a nice wouldn't it? fucking douche shill.

charmlessman - 2009-09-15

Why does this guy remind me of Tim Calhoun on SNL?

charmlessman - 2009-09-15


You are all POLITICIANS!! That's what you are SUPPOSED TO DO!!!

phalsebob - 2009-09-15

I live in this place, and Obama lives in a place not so far away, so I respect him because my respect = 1 / d ^ 2

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