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Comment count is 11
chumbucket - 2009-09-16

I like the direction they have been taking this show

Time Travel Mishap - 2009-09-16

There was a entire alien armada en route to planet earth. They were coming to destroy us in the hopes it would make the universe a better place. Then they picked up Craig Ferguson's show, and decided to give us another chance.


Chizmurder - 2009-09-16

Craig Ferguson is incapable of making me laugh.... even with the help of puppets... which is scary.

Time Travel Mishap - 2009-09-16

You are no longer welcome here among the human race. Please leave through the emergency exit, which can be found under your kitchen sink in a big white plastic bottle.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Camonk - 2009-09-26

To make up for this d-bag, the distance between when Craig Ferguson comes on screen and I start laughing is quickly approaching zero.

Not even that awful cunt Paris Hilton can ruin this for me.

Caminante Nocturno - 2009-09-16


j lzrd / swift idiot - 2009-09-16


charmlessman - 2009-09-16

I'm taking a rocket.
I'm packing my suitcase.
Hey look out moon!

Yeah, a rocket
Into outer space
Goodbye human race.
I'll be there soon!

Blast off
For fun and adventure.
Yes I said adventure,
Collecting stones!

Yes it's my way,
On the old space highway.
That's why they all say,
There goes Astronaut Jones!


happy_ending - 2009-09-17

This is my favorite one.

punch drunk babies - 2009-09-18




The McK - 2009-10-08

I liked this song even when it was attached to creepy-ass black-and-white puppets.

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