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Comment count is 26
fatatty - 2009-09-16

This is either proof of God or proof that random events can resist entropy and lead to orderly behavior. Either way, this is important.

erection reset by queer - 2009-09-17

Only in the eyes of a biased observer. In short: no.

James Woods - 2009-09-17

Short Answer (1 mark)

Order is in the eye of the beholder. Was that tire out of place before it rested a top a bunch of other tires? Why?

j lzrd / swift idiot - 2009-09-17

This reminds me of "Bicycle has a mind of it's own" or whatever the video title was. Or Fuzzy Zoeler or whatever his name is' miracle shot.

Serendipity is awesome to watch.

Old_Zircon - 2009-09-17


j lzrd / swift idiot - 2009-09-17

found it:


If you believe in anything superstitious at all, stuff like this is a thrill.

Old_Zircon - 2009-09-17

Not supposed to be a reply, crap.

Binro the Heretic - 2009-09-16


Happy ending for the tire!

Redlof - 2009-09-17

I like how even the commentators think the tire rolling down hill is more interesting than the actual race.

Twitch - 2009-09-17

It is.

hentaiwolf - 2009-09-17

Five Stars for all the white walls.

phalsebob - 2009-09-17

Must have absorbed a solar Neutrino right there.

Timothy A. Bear - 2009-09-17


infinite zest - 2009-09-17

tired out

Triggerbaby - 2009-09-17

You understand this place better than most, Tim.

Desidiosus - 2009-09-17

If only you could train a cat to be as well-behaved as this tire.

mcsancherson - 2009-09-17

where all da white wimmins at

zatojones - 2009-09-17

this is more than likely a dupe

glasseye - 2009-09-17

99% sure it's one.

glasseye - 2009-09-17

Well, I can't find it, so... stars!

Time Travel Mishap - 2009-09-17

Yeah I know I have seen this before but if it was here whoever put it up didn't get how tags work. there really would be no excuse for not thinking to make "tire" a tag on this video.

chumbucket - 2009-09-17

5 stars for voluntary integration

Valvados - 2009-09-17

Wish I could give this extra stars for the submission comment.

memedumpster - 2009-09-17

A rare event caught on film!

Chizmurder - 2009-09-18


Caminante Nocturno - 2009-10-02

Somewhere in the audience, a telekinetic pumps his fist in triumph.

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