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Comment count is 16
Enjoy - 2009-09-19

Every retard on Youtube felt it necessary to add gobs of commentary to the video. If anyone finds a copy in virgin form, please Update Dead Link.

Jack Dalton - 2009-09-19

What? You don't think a truly bad video can speak for itself? I actually enjoy the hilariously clever commentary youtube users add. I just want to grab them by their collars and say, "you are soooooo funny! lol!"

fatatty - 2009-09-22

Clean version here.


Toenails - 2009-09-19

The related videos a fucking diamond mine of insanity.

I call dibs on SilentNight700.

THA SUGAH RAIN - 2009-09-19

" I want these kids to know you can have sexual satisfaction with your clothes on. I'm 56 years old and Im a virgin... GHASP! "
I also bet they called you the blue ball queen back in college.

dreamvigile - 2009-09-19

You can't give people blueballs if noone wants to touch you...

sliggy - 2009-09-19

Joke's on them. This lady actually gets "sexual satisfaction" from telling people her age and that she's a virgin at inappropriate times.

Xenocide - 2009-09-19

This woman's life is dedicated to making sure that if she can't have sex, no one can. Her 800 cats fully support her endeavor.

socialist_hentai - 2009-09-19

her 800 cats were also sterilized at birth.

Doctor Arcane - 2009-09-19

It's kind of like how I banned online dating sites at work after a series of online dating debacles. Users called the Help Desk to complain.

pastorofmuppets - 2009-09-20

Have the help desk take down their numbers, and when someone calls about the dating site, just give them one of the other numbers.

For a while we had our Sonicwall doing web filtering and it's ridiculous how people have the stones to walk up to you and ask to fix their YouTube or whatever.

pastorofmuppets - 2009-09-21

Maybe not YouTube. Definitely MySpace.

Riskbreaker - 2009-09-19

She probably thinks that "sexual satisfaction" comes from doing the laundry.

pastorofmuppets - 2009-09-19

The whole sex thing is just a massive conspiracy anyway. Don't buy into it.

Riskbreaker - 2009-09-20


kamlem - 2009-09-19

Kids aren't ready to have AIDS. The extermination squads should only be able to forcibly infect them at age 21.

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