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Comment count is 25
Killer Joe - 2009-09-22

This guy has so much fun in all his videos.

twinkieafternoon - 2009-09-22

I haven't heard from Ronald Jenkees in ages! Good to see he's still all about the music and not about the comments.

Udderdude - 2009-09-22

"Poor Excuse"

Yep, that about sums it up.

lustygoat - 2009-09-22

i love this guy so much

Ashenblade - 2009-09-23

I'm not sure how to react to the fact that this guy is cooler than I will ever be. On a side note, how is William Hung famous and I've never heard of this guy?

RocketBlender - 2009-09-23

I like this.

pastorofmuppets - 2009-09-23

Should probably add his name to the tags.

Apparently there's stuff with him and STS9...there's no way it's not testicle shattering.

dr_rock - 2009-09-23

Please find that. PLEASE.

simon666 - 2009-09-23


Ashenblade - 2009-09-23

It's also at 73Q.

pastorofmuppets - 2009-09-23

It'd be great if Ronald joined poe. Instead of guys who make bacon sandwiches and insist you call them Dave.

MovieCritic - 2009-09-23


apiaryist - 2009-09-23

Skills and evil.

fluffy - 2009-09-23

I feel sad that he is a better musician than I will ever be.

Sad for me, happy for him.

Tuan Jim - 2009-09-23

This guy should star in his own tv show.

He should solve crimes and play music.

I would watch this show.

Tuan Jim - 2009-09-23

Oh, forgot: He should give advice, directly to the viewer, on his show.

twinkieafternoon - 2009-09-23

I would watch this show every week and then write letters to the producers demanding DVDs if the show was good.

Tuan Jim - 2009-09-23

what do you mean "if the show was good"?

It would be marvelous.

sosage - 2009-09-23

Holy shit!

Jeff Fries - 2009-09-23

"Peace out y'all, and thanks a bunch"


glasseye - 2009-09-23

Holy crap, this dude is amazing.

chairsforcheap - 2009-09-23

why is the poster such a dick?
a reluctant 5 because the video is too good

Poor Excuse - 2010-01-20

Apologies. Stumbled on this without knowing his rep preceded him. He is amazing for sure.

It must be admitted that there is a little something off about him. Nothing makes a prodigy like some mild retardation. It ups the endearing cuteness too.

phydeaux - 2009-09-26

KrAkeD bY WaReZhOrSe

Syd Midnight - 2009-11-04

hahaha GREETZ GO OUT 2:

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