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Comment count is 20
Charles - 2009-09-23

I voted this up in the hopper based on the first 25 seconds. I see now that 1:10 is far superior, and I praise the POE gods for their gift

Charles - 2009-09-23

Ah dammit, I really need to finish videos before I vote. This whole thing is golden

Riskbreaker - 2009-09-23

Why does rap always attracts geeky clueless kids?

Jeff Fries - 2009-09-23

This is a coded message from one of their internet addiction camps

Hooper_X - 2009-09-23

oh man, I had something wiseass to say, but the ending just blew all my expectations out the window. Throwing the mic down and then looking very concerned that he might have broken it.

mouser - 2009-09-23

Imagine being his neighbor!

spikestoyiu - 2009-09-23

My hum.

theSnake - 2009-09-23

this has got to be fake is that a TI-90 in his waistband?

chumbucket - 2009-09-23

Why I frequent poeTV, example number 1.

phalsebob - 2009-09-23

I make it rain
I make it rain
I make it rain on you horse!

twinkieafternoon - 2009-09-23

I'ma git git git git you dyunk, git you dyunk.

Comatose2 - 2009-09-23

If you get bored of the rapping, just skip to the last 20 seconds or so. Beautiful.

twinkieafternoon - 2009-09-23

It seems like this is first encounter with the English language. Heck of a choice for a first encounter.

OOH! Imagine if this is way of learning the English language. He seems a novice at it now, but with Ludacris' help, he could be the best.

The Townleybomb - 2009-09-23

You've got to admit that he's got that classic hip-hop "pressing against the wall" pose down.

Jet Bin Fever - 2009-09-25

Welcome to every Asian karaoke experience I had EVER.

citrusmirakel - 2009-09-26

This is about as good as poeTV gets.

IrishWhiskey - 2009-09-30

My hum, my hum, my lovely lady hum.

He was struggling near the end, but the poses saved it.

Caminante Nocturno - 2009-10-17

Eventually, people are going to learn not to put videos of themselves online.

Or shame will just die in the human species.

IrishWhiskey - 2010-10-04

I think the latter is more likely.

notascientist - 2010-03-02

They finally release the Virginia Tech shooter tapes, eh?

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