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Comment count is 13
Honest Abe - 2009-09-25

points off for pussing out on the language and gore

Comeuppance - 2009-09-25

I actually had a comment typed that said "-2 for the no-gore pussout. I feel like I missed out on some Raiders-of-the-Lost-Ark-face-melting action." I checked Xboxlive for the demo, came back, refreshed, and found someone had poached my comment.

You've made a powerful enemy this day.

fatatty - 2009-09-25

Actually their heads just pop off. But it was awesome anyways.

This is still a badass cutscene.

Merzbau - 2009-09-25

The heads popping off is much funnier than the facemelt would've been in context, given the OH HOLY SHIT WHAT WILL HAPPEN TO OUR HERO/"do you want beheadings y/n" immediately preceding.

And buckets and BUCKETS of stars for the Psychonauts callback.

Camonk - 2009-09-25

Everything's gotta be soaked in gore and cusses or it's boring!

RockBolt - 2009-09-25

That is the most awesome possible way to deal with the menus and options for gore and profanity though, +5 for that alone

Honest Abe - 2009-09-25

carmonk are you as big a pussy as baleen

kiint - 2009-09-26


Urist - 2009-09-26

Opening cutscene for Brutal Legend, this is.

BillFisto - 2009-09-26

I will be buying this game as soon as it is available. Everyone should play the demo, because it includes quite a bit of gameplay.

memedumpster - 2009-09-26

Guess who I like less than Andrew W.K?

I'm going to have to buy a Kevlar vest if I keep posting here. Fortunately, this video was funny as hell, so Jack Black only loses it one star.

BillFisto - 2009-09-26

I have to admit, that was my one major concern about this game, as well. I can't stand Jack Black at all, but in the demo, at least, he doesn't have any of his usual mannerisms, and the character he plays actually comes off as really likable.

Squeamish - 2009-10-15


Dammit, now I can hardly wait EVEN LESS to buy a PS3.

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