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Desc:A political problem for Gov. Rick Perry-- and a tragic commentary on the death penalty.
Category:Classic TV Clips, Crime
Tags:Texas, arson, death penalty, Rick Perry
Submitted:Jack Dalton
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Comment count is 6
Camonk - 2009-10-05

Rick Perry is one of the worst people to ever govern a state that is just full of problems and in desperate need of a decent governor (like Richards, bless her).

Perry is just like Bush, but without all the ethics. The fact that Molly Ivins died while he's still in office is proof there is no god. I'm so glad I don't live there anymore and can pretend to have nothing to do with it.

Big Name Celebrity - 2009-10-05

Ann Richards was a crap governor who accomplished little beyond letting kids off the hook for leaning to spell. Molly Ivins would (and did) tell you the same thing if she were here.

I'm not saying that Rick Perry doesn't deserve cancerous skin lesions, but romanticizing the past won't help things.

Big Name Celebrity - 2009-10-05

God help us, this sack of shit is probably getting re-elected.

Johnny Roastbeef - 2009-10-05

Everything is bigger in Texas, including apparently, the ability to throw morals out the door for your own agenda.

tamago - 2009-10-09

I wish my state didn't have such a shitty fucking governor. Or I was rich enough to move to a state with a decent governor.

I hope my state elects somebody decent this time around. I also hope talking octopuses will take me on fantastic adventures deep in the ocean.

ashtar. - 2011-04-02

Sure we sometimes execute innocent people, no system is perfect. But, think of all the good that capital punishment does. Like... revenge. Surely the father of those three girls feels much better now that that guy is dead.

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