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Comment count is 10
Jefka - 2009-10-19

It would be hard to submit a clip without Cyndi Lauper that is more 80's than this.

snothouse - 2009-10-19

How many boys entered puberty while watching this sequence?

jreid - 2009-10-20

I think I just did for the second time.

Meerkat - 2009-10-19

If Mario isn't being played by Ron Jeremy I'm not watching this.

Meerkat - 2009-10-19

Oh dang I didn't mean those stars I'm sorry man.

socialist_hentai - 2009-10-19

And Luigi is being played by Salvador Dali.

Rum Revenge - 2009-10-19

Mario has the lamest dreams ever...

Mordant - 2009-10-20

You are gay. So very gay.

Nikon - 2009-10-20


Squeamish - 2009-10-21

I used to have dreams about Elvira, too.

They weren't the same dreams Mario had.

Not by a long shot.

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