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Comment count is 33
Anhedonia - 2009-10-30

Are they all drunk? I have never before seen such an apathetic fight.

chairsforcheap - 2009-10-30

what part of "ukrainians" didn't you understand?

spikestoyiu - 2009-11-04

How many times have you watched teenage girls fight elderly people?

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2009-11-05

It's like some kind of interpretive dance.

Riskbreaker - 2009-10-30

Ukraine is weak.

C. Eloi Marx - 2009-10-30

Ukraine is not weak. Ukraine is strong!

Man Who Fights Like Woman - 2009-10-30

How about I take your little board and smash!

Comatose2 - 2009-10-31

Ukraine is strong. Uzbeks are weak link in great chain of socialism.

Sacks5thAvenButt - 2009-10-30

grammys bleeding why jesus why D'=

PurpleXVI - 2009-10-30

The... person in black. I really cannot tell if it's a really effeminate boy or an extremely dumb girl.

In either case it sets off my punch reflex.

memedumpster - 2009-10-31

So... you're a gay bashing woman beater?

Five stars!

Walker - 2009-10-30

Awesome. At 2:35 the younger girl in black hits her own friend in the back of the head with a shoe. Nice!

Torture the Artist - 2010-05-08

And it bounces off and hits the old lady!

sosage - 2009-10-30

I'm surprised no one socks the old man in the jaw. He fucking close hand punches that one chick in the face.

Jellyneck - 2009-10-31

Yeah I'm not entirely clear on what went down there but I would have dropped that old guy for hitting that young lady. She got pushed first, then manhandled.

Jellyneck - 2009-10-31

also 5 stars for 'Ukraine' and not 'The Ukraine'

Comrade Admiral - 2009-10-31

Does anyone actually still say "The Ukraine"?

FABIO - 2009-10-31

The girls had it coming being hipsters.

Adham Nu'man - 2009-10-31

Shut up FABIO, you don't know what a hipster is. Hipsters are a special caste of Eskimo long distance runners.

Tomas - 2009-10-31

What the hell? She was being a dozy cunt, bitch needs a slap. Plus look how regal he is, so much presence. He gives her a little kick and she pirouettes to the ground like a dying snowflake.

I'm not entirely convinced this isn't amazing street art.

mantang0 - 2009-10-31

he should have kicked her when she was down.

punch drunk babies - 2009-10-31

Wilford Brimley nooooo

Rape Van Winkle - 2009-10-31


sheikurbouti - 2009-10-31

The young are weak and the old are drunk. Ukraine is the world.

Urburos - 2009-10-31

I would have loved to be there with four tasers.

Poor Excuse - 2009-10-31

Floppy, clumsy, and a little romantic.

Rape Van Winkle - 2009-10-31

Those Ukrainian bitches should have known better than to fuck with Ukrainian bitches.

svraz - 2009-10-31

are they speaking ukranian or russian?
can anyone translate please.

memedumpster - 2009-10-31

This was all going so well until the Russian guy showed up.

oddeye - 2009-10-31

Grandma started it. I wish I could have been there as beating the elderly is my second favourite hobby and makes me hard.

Syd Midnight - 2009-10-31

Could use a "vodka" tag

dancingshadow - 2009-11-02

Crazy old one chomps on her hand at 1:10

exar_kun - 2010-08-19

Missing Street Fighter 2 music, and I'm pretty sure the girl? in black is Scott Pilgrim.

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