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Comment count is 11
Hodge - 2009-11-08

Easiest 5 stars I gave a video in a while.

baleen - 2009-11-08

Godawful editing and lethargic narration.
making good documentaries takes a lot of work, even if you're a genius.
this is just terribly done. I'm sorry.

Businesses controlling political parties is not covered by the media. The media is controlled by corporations. Before that was the usual "the 50's was a utopian illusion" cliche. This was interesting stuff, conveyed in the most boring, hackneyed, amateurish way possible.

Toenails - 2009-11-08

Respectfully disagree.

At least against the "boring" accusation. Because, let's be honest, it *is* hackneyed and amateurish.

I just love the interviews around the 20 min. mark where an ugly old white man (with a "Florida" cap) said he'll vote with McCain, an ugly old white lady said she'd vote for Hillary, and two relatively attractive individuals said they'd vote for Obama.

James Woods - 2009-11-08

uhg. baleen has an opinion again.

baleen - 2009-11-08

Five stars for me having an opinion!

James Woods - 2009-11-08

Admittedly, I chuckled at your response. Well played, sir.

cognitivedissonance - 2009-11-08

Important viewing, but it fails to take into account individuality amongst all guilty parties. Nobody is deliberately evil, everybody honestly believes they're doing what they do for the best of motives.

Konversekid - 2009-11-08

That is completely irrelevant philosophy about human nature. Someone oblivious to themselves doing evil things is still doing evil things; being unaware doesn't absolve responsibility. Also, just because this video is not sympathetic about that issue does not mean it is missing anything, beyond the rhetoric required for Baleen to enjoy it.

James Woods - 2009-11-08

Yes, I agree. Everything takes the path of least resistance, and so information like this helps direct the flow. Everyone's just looking out for themselves and in some cases their loved one. And that's ok, but it's good to be reminded of the casualties so we might learn to better direct our behavior.

futurebot - 2009-11-09

yes every political documentary needs to include a disclaimer explaining that the characters portrayed therein are not in fact satan

James Woods - 2009-11-09


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