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Comment count is 16
godot - 2009-11-07

Obviously this is one case where a wing was obligatory.

The final RX-7 (FD) however remains one of the purest production sports cars, weighing only 2,822 lbs (and much less when stripped for motorsport). And they are beautiful in the extreme. Let your eyes follow the curves of an FD, and you might be smitten as well. Its a shame they typically blow their engines under 50,000 miles.

It wasn't till the recent RWD Lotus cars (Elise, Exige) that a still more uncompromising production car was marketed to the general public.

simon666 - 2009-11-07

I thought you'd never show up, I've been waiting for ages.

Randroid - 2009-11-07


Camonk - 2009-11-08

Holy shit. I don't think anybody's made that joke before. Seriously. Maybe I just wasn't paying attention. Maybe we all thought it was too on-the-nose. Jesus. How weird.

Goofy Gorilla - 2009-11-07

I used to drive an s5 RX-7. It was incredibly fun, and though, as opposed to the Porsche 924 we were also driving at the time that could drift at the drop of a hat, it was almost impossible to make that RX-7 lose traction. When it did, though, the weight balance made her spin like a top. I remember a particular 540 I laid out on a hill in a residential neighborhood, which was perhaps the first time I was reasonably sure I was going to die.

TeenerTot - 2009-11-07

One time I spun my big wheel so fast I thought I'd barf.

Sick Man - 2009-11-07

I spun a Mazda into a median ditch once, but that was a GLC.

Robin Kestrel - 2009-11-07


kingofthenothing - 2009-11-07

That is NOT how you make the donuts.

Time Travel Mishap - 2009-11-07

Sky donuts

mouser - 2009-11-07

With a salted top.

chumbucket - 2009-11-07

nice drift

FABIO - 2009-11-07

Everyone drifts all the time. It's impossible to stay on the ground.

memedumpster - 2009-11-07

Minus one for no kite and no mountains.

1394 - 2009-11-07


Desidiosus - 2009-11-08

I'm gaining altitude and loving it!

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