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Comment count is 12
baleen - 2009-11-07

Skip 30 seconds in to see the bot slide up the wire. In a hundred years giant versions of this will be carrying 30 lb. orbital tomatoes back to Earth.

rroach - 2009-11-07

Five stars for Arthur C Clarkes new post-humous obituary: Died Of Shame.

Smellvin - 2009-11-07

So... they managed to tie a solar panel to a line and run said solar panel up thirty feet...

Unless there's more to it, why isn't this just some twelve year old's science fair project?

ToucheTurtle - 2009-11-07

There's more to it.

erratic - 2009-11-07

ask yourself, smellvin, why solar panels? and why facing away from the sun?

crotchy - 2009-11-07

Awesome. And that's three years old! They seem to have made slow but steady progress since then:


THIS is the sort of thing I expect with 2010 - literally and figuratively The Future! - a couple of months away.

Konversekid - 2009-11-07

Just this week they held another competition for it.

Longshot- - 2009-11-07

I don't think connecting a wire/cable from the ground to space is such a good idea.

baleen - 2009-11-08


memedumpster - 2009-11-07

This just goes to show that we'll get to space any way we can. If NASA wont build us a starship, we'll take the fuckin' lift.

zatojones - 2009-11-08

This will be an American creation, and it *will* be referred to as a space elevator not a lift

Chalkdust - 2009-11-08

It's a moot point really, as "space lift" has already been copyrighted by Playtex

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