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Comment count is 16
chumbucket - 2009-11-11

gorilla 5 star

StanleyPain - 2009-11-11

On second thought, let's not go to Gorilla City. 'Tis a silly place.

Hugo Gorilla - 2009-11-11


Xiphias - 2009-11-11

guh rilla

phalsebob - 2009-11-11

So the gorilla thinks he can make use a mind control colander? REALLY, GORILLA, HOW DO YOU FIGURE?

Camonk - 2010-07-12

His Gorilla Telepathy, DUH.

TheOtherCapnS - 2009-11-11

Hey don't lean on me man, cause you can't afford bananas.
Back from Gorilla City.

Testicles of Doom - 2009-11-13


RomancingTrain - 2009-11-11

At :48 did they just not bother to gorilla animate half of the gorillas?

KillerGazebo - 2009-11-11

"Hey, KillerGazebo, did you see this robot I made? It can detect walls and solve mazes, pretty cool huh?"
"I can put your device to good use. All I have to do is rewire it to work on gorillas..."

I'm going to be such a dick with this.

Thank you, Syd Midnight.

Caminante Nocturno - 2009-11-11

My stars for for Luthor's pose at 0:43.

Aernaroth2 - 2009-11-11

Still worth two (gorilla) drinks.

Goofy Gorilla - 2009-11-11

Gorilla City is not really that glamorous.

baleen - 2009-11-11

haven't you seen the gorilla district?

Triggerbaby - 2009-11-11

Mormon Jesus

MechaGelly - 2012-01-20

A gorillion stars

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