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Comment count is 10
MongoMcMichael - 2009-11-13


When the sniper-man snipers in the wind,
The wind can sniper back,
Oh please don't shoot my baby!

splatterbabble - 2009-11-13

He got whiplash from the awesomeness.

abeli$con - 2009-11-13

the lost masterpiece from one of america's greatest living directors.

RomancingTrain - 2009-11-13

I want to watch this movie so much.

snothouse - 2009-11-13

He has a pink triangle on. Was he also gay in this movie?

cognitivedissonance - 2009-11-14

Bonus Ligetti music!

kamlem - 2009-11-14

How I learned about this lost cinematic masterpiece...


duck&cover - 2009-11-14

The clip is set to the music from the original "Solaris" movie.

lucienpsinger - 2009-11-15

The holy grail of awful movies. I didn't think it was really possible to get your hands on. I'm on a quest now.

Old_Zircon - 2011-06-23

There has been a torrent for years, always with zero peers. I wonder what it actually was, because there's no way it's the real movie.

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