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Comment count is 20
Cleaner82 - 2009-11-19

Hey -- HEY. Leave the Hoff out of this.

-1 for the uh... digression.

MaulLove - 2009-11-19

Don't hassle the Hoff.

urbanelf - 2009-11-19

It's weird to think that he has sex with Mary Poppins.

Camonk - 2009-11-19

She's practically perfect in every way. Her main flaw is taste in men.

1394 - 2009-11-19

Aw, the ending ruined it.

Enjoy - 2009-11-19

Yeah I forgot to warn. Skip the stupid ending.

Stupid Lisa Garbage Face - 2009-11-19

The British accent apparently hates the beginning and end of each word so much it will do whatever it can to skip over them.

longwinded - 2009-11-19

the ending is unforgivably dumb

punch drunk babies - 2009-11-19

Ending makes this the benchmark of 4 star vidyas

oogaBooga - 2009-11-19

What was the point of the subtitles? I couldnt understand the goofy bastard written OR spoken.

Adham Nu'man - 2009-11-19


ztc - 2009-11-19


-2 for the ending

Magical Man from Happy-Land - 2009-11-19


Xenocide - 2009-11-19

I heard legends of this stupid ending, but I wasn't quite prepared for the depth of its stupidity.

Sacks5thAvenButt - 2009-11-19

This is his normal side

Stog - 2009-11-19


mashedtater - 2009-11-19

poor enjoy. im gonna give you five, because its not your fault that whoever made that video on youtube is a twat.

Camonk - 2009-11-19

Er, but he did KNOW the video was twatty. I mean come on. He's not the victim of a hoax. He submitted a video with a shit-stupid ending.

memedumpster - 2009-11-19

The subtitles are wrong and look stupid in light of the subject matter, making this a four star video... until that ending of absolute death came along and slaughtered two more stars.

This video could have been so good.

Syd Midnight - 2009-11-25

This could have been a 5 star video

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