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Desc:'Everybody talks about the penetrating power of their tomahawk'
Tags:fatties, cold steel, Weapon to survive the skinned cow invasion, black shorts and black turtleneck
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Comment count is 20
fermun - 2009-11-20

He attacks a car hood, an ally of the car door. Is this why the doors hate us?

athodyd - 2009-11-20

Needs a "black shorts and black turtleneck tag" because holy shit nobody can pull that look off better than a fat man with a tomahawk

baleen - 2009-11-20

note the distinctive nose flairing as he excites himself into an ecstatic narrative presence.

pineapplejuicer - 2009-11-20

you had me at punctured cow skull

memedumpster - 2009-11-21

"Fuck you, dinner!"

oddeye - 2009-11-20

You can't use that as a pipe. Fuck you cold steel.

freedoom - 2009-11-21

Cold Steel believes you should make a separate pipe from the bones of your enemies.

j lzrd / swift idiot - 2009-11-21

It took me a good fifteen seconds before I realized oddeye wasn't making a Mayor Haggar joke. Because beating your enemies with a pipe then piledriving them is much more butch than a tomahawk.

William Burns - 2009-11-21

They were giving out these videos as promos last Christmas at my local fake nerd cutlery store. They know their fucking audience.

sunisevil - 2009-11-21

He hates these cans!

Dicknuts - 2009-11-21

The fat man he sweats.

His Tomahawk swinging hard.

Holes in my barrel.

The Mothership - 2023-03-04

Your haiku deserves praise.

Goofy Gorilla - 2009-11-21

Yeah call me when Estwing makes a Tomahawk.

kingofthenothing - 2009-11-21

The top of the line in fucking up your ex-girlfriend's car. Teach that cheating bitch a lesson... with Cold Steel!

Caminante Nocturno - 2010-06-20

Every purchase of Cold Steel merchandise ends with a repair bill, a restraining order, and a lifetime of indignant misogyny.

Camonk - 2009-11-21

What is it with fat dudes and those casual short sleeve over-shirts. Do they think those tent-sized masses of fabric make them look thinner?

dueserpenti - 2009-11-21

Why are weapon enthusiasts, whether for guns or blades, always fat? Does being fat make you love weapons, or does enthusiasm for weapons kill your thyroid or something?

Doomstein - 2009-11-21

When you're fat your fighting ability is diminished. Weapons are a fat man's only line of defense next to the attacker slipping on some tasty gravy carelessly spilled by said fat man.

Squeamish - 2010-03-22


The Mothership - 2015-07-09

Can't believe nobody has yet to make a 'speed holes make the car go faster' joke. Slipping, POEtv.

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