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Comment count is 9
Stog - 2009-11-23

His anxiety about his weight has caused so much gas compression in his belly that he vomits like a geyser.

The Gassy Vampire.

MongoMcMichael - 2009-11-23

After he develops his eating disorder, he's going to have to roll around in glitter.

RocketBlender - 2009-11-23

Caminante, I was worried you might actually like Twilight for a bit there. I'm glad you posted this. We can be friends again.

vissarion - 2009-11-23


splatterbabble - 2009-11-23

I love it when the title is longer than the video.

jreid - 2009-11-23

This video made me barf out stars in a similar fashion.

Jeff Fries - 2009-12-03


oogaBooga - 2010-01-28

Who started that "Blah" thing anyways? Bela Lugosi?

Bort - 2010-02-06

Probably, or at least Lugosi imitators, going after his Hungarian accent.

Here's a particularly blah-intensive vampire, from 1975:


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