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Comment count is 7
Rodents of Unusual Size - 2009-11-26

When I first heard about that story I kept thinking how weird it was that I'd never heard of a coma like that occurring before.

These people and Terry Shiavo's family should get together at a marionette convention and just go nuts.

baleen - 2009-11-26

what's with the "wake up" call? did this website become a loud advocate of comatose consciousness while I was out bangin.

Syd Midnight - 2009-11-26

There was a recent PoE News story about a guy who was in a coma for 23 years who turned out to be conscious, but apparently the "consciousness" was detected via FC, so it's almost certainly the actions of a grieving family, and the guy is a vegetable who should be buried already.

Adham Nu'man - 2009-11-27

That was an interesting/depressing article, in the sense that it was mostly full of shit, but interesting/horrifying to learn this shit happens.

It's the same desperate need for connection to a lost loved one that leads people to a medium who will channel the spirit of the deceased, except that the person here is "living" and present at the seance.

memedumpster - 2009-11-26

I sure would love to watch this full screen, but Google video's search is useless even when you know the exact name of the video.

memedumpster - 2009-11-26

Okay, I found it.


dododge - 2009-11-27

For anyone who doesn't have the time for the whole thing: the second half is where it really kicks into high gear.

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