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Desc:maria bamford does her thing and gets paid for it. (4th in a series) you want more get 'em yourself.
Category:Advertisements, Humor
Tags:commercials, Target, maria bamford
Submitted:mumbly joe
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Comment count is 15
Cube - 2009-12-03

I still have no idea who this Maria Bamford character is and why somebody is determined to advertise Target on PoeTV.

godot - 2009-12-03

A cute relatively unknown comedienne who is very open about her OCD, manic depression, and love for pugs. She's got 4 good impressions and less than 2 hours of material, and would probably have been served better by an improv career, though there's a strong subtext of personality incompatibility with the human race.

Half of PoeTV wants to bone her, just to hear the voices she'd make.

pastorofmuppets - 2009-12-03

She was part of Comedians of Comedy, which I at least thought was pretty awesome, and in general she is (was?) a really good comic.

robe - 2009-12-03

It seems most people don't know that the personality disorder stuff was a bit, and shes actually a normal comedienne.

Pillager - 2009-12-03

Crazy chicks are the best in the sack.

This is somehow news to you?

godot - 2009-12-03

robe: if its just a "bit", she's made it pervasive in her presentation. From routine to Unwanted Thoughts Syndrome liner notes to web shorts. If its just a "bit", everyone who has a real disorder has every right to be enraged.

Then again, we have every right to be enraged in any case.

happy_ending - 2009-12-03

If you hear/see her on "Never Not Funny", it's not really a bit. She has real disorders that were overemphasized for comedic effect in her Short Films. The fact that she uses them in her act doesn't make them less real.

Potrod - 2009-12-03

Regardless of how funny and cute she may or may not be elsewhere, it does not change the fact that she is unfunny and somewhat unattractive in these stupid commercials.

pastorofmuppets - 2009-12-04

Although there are forms of OCD that center around unwanted thoughts (sometimes called "Pure-O"), I think "Unwanted Thought Syndrome" is a made-up term (which would explain the lack of angry letters).

I don't begrudge her the ability to make a few bucks but I don't want friends to go "oh, the Target lady" after I try to explain to them who she is. She should pull out before she ends up like woman doing Progressive ads.

chumbucket - 2009-12-03

this has convinced me that I don't want more

delicatessen - 2009-12-03

rar rar rar rar

Torture the Artist - 2009-12-03

her only connection to target prior to this was that routine where the punchline is the girl she hated in high school being a loser for working there. some folks at target saw that and liked the cut of her jib, i guess.

i can't bring myself to watch this, by the way.

Rovin - 2009-12-03

This is not a good ad.

voodoo_pork - 2009-12-03

Jesus, Maria. I never would've thought.

Jeff Fries - 2009-12-03

Funny commercial, glad she's not OCD and starving

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