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Comment count is 9
baleen - 2009-12-07

My favorite thing about LR is when this guy in my class dropped a bunch of acid and went on stage during one of her performances and totally fucked it up. Then the cops came and arrested him.

Fuck that nazi broad. "oooh I had no idea they were slaves!"
Watch Tokyo Olympiad instead. It's better... Without the guilt!

baleen - 2009-12-07

not that I don't love you, lurchi.

Hooker - 2009-12-08

People sure do have strong opinions in the POEverse.

baleen - 2009-12-08

Strong, flippant, ephemeral, meaningless

Lurchi - 2009-12-08

But have you seen her mountain films? Das Blaue Licht especially. They are all amazingly impressive, even if not "good." I mean really impressive. And then there's the Guy Maddin mountain film pastiche, Careful.

splatterbabble - 2009-12-08

I like how she started doing reversals after 3:00. Very motile.

godot - 2009-12-08

This is less Fascist aesthetics than Hellenistic/Neoclassical.

A Fasces being a bundle of sticks, and stronger than single stick, fascists aesthetics emphasize communal motion. The torch marches and parade grounds are fascism.

This is just a celebration of athletic bodies. There are practically innumerable classical statues (and copies) it emulates. That Hitler had a fixation on neo-classical aesthetics is incidental. Italian fascism was more futurist, Latin American fascism more conservative.

Lurchi - 2009-12-08

The Olympics really bring out the best in authoritarian regimes, no matter what their social-economic-racial policies/foundations. See Zhang Yimou's 2008 opening ceremony -- one of the greatest spectacles ever devised by man.

There is never "just" a celebration of athletic bodies. (Capitalism uses the same iconography to sell Gatorade.) And what were the original (non-neo) classical models celebrating?

paparatti - 2009-12-09

Stunning, especially the silhouettes against the clouded sky towards the end.

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