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Comment count is 12
Caminante Nocturno - 2009-12-06

The music.

Oh, God damn it.

anvill - 2009-12-06

But he's fighting the power, you see.

splatterbabble - 2009-12-06

I've lost my place.

oddeye - 2009-12-06

Dear Child-molester sympathisers,

Fuck you

Sincerely, Krakonos.

oddeye - 2009-12-06

PS Eat my cock.
PPS Stars

futurebot - 2009-12-06

you are pretty stupid

oddeye - 2009-12-06

Shows what you know, child-molester

futurebot - 2009-12-07

sorry, still stupid

Cleaner82 - 2009-12-06

You should uh, you should probably watch that guy too.

cognitivedissonance - 2009-12-06

I'd molest him, but he'd probably molest me first.

themilkshark - 2009-12-06

I doubt writing a letter that does nothing except ask why a law is a law will have any sort of sway but kids gotta do something to pass the time I guess. I'd imagine all of edarem's supporters are naive antisocial shut ins like this guy.

Syd Midnight - 2009-12-07

I bet Edarem will thank him in person.

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